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Speakers: 2011-1970

Speaker Topic Brief Bio Year Sort ascending edit
Carolyn Bernstein, M.D. (Neurologist) How to protect Your Brain Author of The Migraine Brain: Your Breakthrough Guide to Fewer Headaches 2011
Beth F. Coye Don't Ask Don't Tell: A Personal Journey to Activism Commander Beth F. Coye, U.S. Navy (Retired), is a distinguished military officer, educator, author, and activist. 2011
J. Robert Hiller, FAIA Where is the Real ART in Architecture A distinguished American architect renowned for his significant contributions to the field. 2011
William Martin History Meets Fiction and an Author Finds Inspiration A renowned American Author celebrated for his historical novels. 2011
Warren Muir Bridging the Divide: Working Towards Peace Through Friendship American chemist and enviromental scientist 2011
Robert D. Putnam American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us A prominent political scientist and author, known for his extensive work on social capital and civic engagement. 2011
James E. Waller Bringing Elsewhere here: Why War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and Genocide Matter A distinguished American scholar specializing in Holocaust and genocide studies. 2011
Elaine Weiss The Patriotic Farmerette Award-winning journalist and author renowned for her in-depth explorations of American history, particularly focusing on on women's rights and social movements. 2011
Rob Koch The Fourth of July through Music and History Noted actor from Peterborough, NH. 2010
Madeleine Kunin Pearls, Politics and Power Former three-term Vermont Governor and Ambassador to Switzerland 2010
Ben Hewitt The Town That Food Saved American author and homesteader based int Vermont's Northeast Kingdom 2010
James A. Morone The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval Office, or Dirty Rotten Secrets of Health Reform The John Hazen White Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Brown University. 2010
Jim Gee You Are What You Learn American researcher renowned for his extensive work in linguistics, literary studies, and the intersection of video games and learning. 2010
Mel Allen The Voices of New England Editor of Yankee Magazine 2010
Henry F. Knight Ties That Bind Minister and director of the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College 2010
George M. Woodwell The New World Coming: Climatic Disruption and the Clash of World Views Founder and former director of world-renowned Woods Hole Research Center, an institute focused on environmental science, education, and public policy. 2010
Robert M. Thorson Cultural Geography: On the Science Beneath the New Hampshire Identity Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Connecticut, renowned for his interdisciplinary work that bridges geology, archaeology, ecology, environmental history, and American literature. 2010
Deborah Stone The Samaritan's Dilemma: Should Government Help Your Neighbor? Research professor of government, Dartmouth College 2009
Michael Gates Gill How Starbucks Saved My Life Former creative director, J. Walter Thompson Advertising 2009
Patricia Klindienst The Earth Knows My Name Author, The Earth Knows My Name: Food, Culture, and Sustainability in the Gardens of Ethnic Americans 2009
Eric Keylor Video Games and 21st-Century Learning Creator of educational video games 2009
John Perkins Transforming Turmoil into a New Economy Economist, author 2009
Eric Stumacher Peforming Arts: Pathways Across Cultural Divides Founder of Apple Hill Chamber Players and of the Sonad Project, pianist 2009
Rev. V. Gene Robinson Being Spiritual While Living in "The Eye of the Storm" Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of NH (first to be openly gay) 2009
Andrew Berry Happy Birthday Charles Darwin and Hello Alfred Wallace Evolutionary biologist and historian of science 2009
Rona Zlokower Youth and Media: Benefit vs. Peril Founder of Media Power Youth 2009
Doug Johnston Preventive Diplomacy Author, founder of International Center for Religion and Diplomacy 2008
Taylor Morris Walking Can Be an Education Librarian, teacher 2008
George Bruno What If the Pilgrims Needed Visas? Immigration lawyer, former ambassador to Belize 2008
Bill McKibben 350: The Most Important Number on Earth Author, environmentalist 2008
Jonathan Gould Can't Buy Me Love Studio drummer, author of book on The Beatles 2008
Robert Kirsch Guantanamo Detainees: Today's Legal Challenges Lawyer 2008
Van Allen Sherman Our Playhouse Sherman and Clark are author and editor of "Our Playhouse" (a history of the Players). Stevens is managing director of the theatre. 2008
Kate Braestrup My Job Is to Be Present Chaplain of the Maine Warden Service, author 2008
Lisa Witter The Not-So-Secret Secret to Changing the World: How Women Can Lead the Way Political and communications consultant 2008
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas The Harmless People American author and anthropologist renowned for her extensive work on animal behavior and Paleolithic life. 2007
Hugh Kauffman A More Civilized Approach to Responding to Environmental Disasters Ombudsman and Senior Policy Analyst, EPA 2007
Jim Grant The Death of Common Sense in Our Classrooms Educator, consultant, author 2007
Jud Hale New England: Fact or Fiction Editor in chief, The Old Farmer's Almanac and Yankee Magazine 2007
Rev. Dr. Gloria White-Hammond Humanitarianism in Africa Co-Pastor, Bethel AME Church in Boston 2007
David Shribman How We Can Hold Candidates Accountable for a Civilized Primary Season Journalist, executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 2007
Lewis Hyde The Civic Republican Ideal Poet, essayist, translator, MacArthur Fellow 2007
August Watters Mandolins and MacDowell Director of NE Mandolin Ensemble, professor at Berklee College of Music 2007
Brant "Bud" Elkind How to Bring Injured Home Again VP of NH Brain Injury Association, director of clinical operations at Robin Hill Farm 2007
Peter Galbraith How to Get Out of Iraq Author, former ambassador to Croatia, son of J. K. Galbraith 2007
Steve Curwood The Good News about Climate Action Host of NPR's "Living on Earth" 2006
Letty M. Russell Hospitality in a World of Difference and Danger A pioneering feminist theologian, educator, and author. 2006
Jamaica Kincaid Notes from a Seed Collector Author, gardener 2006
Buzz MacLaughlin The Making of an Independent Film Documentary film maker, playwright 2006
Bill Littlefield Why I Have the World's Best Job Host of NPR's "Only a Game" 2006
Christine Todd Whitman It's My Party Too Governor of NJ and Governor of NH 2006
Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers Why the Christian Right Is Wrong: A Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future Author, activist 2006
Fred Raimi Bach Suites for Solo Cello Cellist 2006
Jill Nelson Living in Parallel Universes: How to Enjoy Life When You're Not Enjoying Current Events Author, journalist 2006
Lionel Tiger The Evolution of the American Male Professor of anthropology, Rutgers U. 2006
Ellen Langer On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity Professor of psychology, Harvard 2005
Christopher Ricks Gratitude for Bob Dylan Professor of humanities, Boston U. 2005
David Houghton no title President, NH Audubon 2005
Gary Hirshberg How Business Can Save the World Founder of Stonyfield Farms 2005
Rob Williams Making Sense of Our 21st-Century Hyper-Media Culture Author and teacher, Champlain College 2005
Richard Meryman Andrew Wyeth Author, editor and writer for Life Magazine 2005
Rev. William G. Sinkford Finding Common Ground President of the Unitarian Universalist Association 2005
Bill Curry Confessions of a Zen Democrat Conn. State senator and former counselor and speech writer for President Clinton 2005
Daniel B. Silver Refuge in Hell: How Berlin's Jewish Hospital Outlasted the Nazis Author, lawyer, teacher 2004
Robert Putnam Rebuilding the American Community in an Age of Change Professor of public policy, Harvard 2004
Ilan Stavans The American Language: What Does English Do to Us and What Do We Do to English? Author, professor of Latin American and Latino culture at Amherst College 2004
Cynthia Duncan Civic Culture in New England Communities: Why the Middle Class Matters Author, UNH professor 2004
Laura Murphy The USA Patriot Act: Is It All That Bad? Director of ACLU's Washington Legislative Office 2004
Ted Nace Confessions of a Recovering Capitalist Entrepreneur, author, former technology writer for PC World and Macworld 2004
Deborah "Arnie" Arneson Politics in America: The New Weapon of Mass Polarization Arneson is a talk radio host and former NH Democratic state rep. Arlinghaus is former head of the NH Republican Party 2004
Gail Siegal New Visions: Aging in the 21st Century Gerontological social worker in NYC and former Peterborough resident 2004
Charles Collier The Practices of Successful Families Author, philanthropic advisor at Harvard 2004
Zainab Salbi A Refugee Woman's Reality Baghdad native, founder and CEO of Women for Women International 2004
Marcia Angell Solving the health care crisis 2003
Thomas Edsall An early look at the 2004 elections 2003
Lew Feldstein Rebuilding community in America: lessons from the field 2003
Bonnie Harris Sowing the seeds of non-violence: parenting for a new age 2003
Thomas Moore American spirituality: from orenda to amazing grace 2003
Walter Peterson Reflections on troubled times 2003
Peter Temes Martin Luther King discovers America 2003
Andru Volinsky School funding: why must public schools make economic disparities worse? 2003
Jerry White Landmines: a weapon of mass-destruction in slow motion 2003
William Bridges The way of transition 2002
Eleanor Clift Politics, journalism, and media discourse in the new millenium 2002
David Gastfriend Treating addiction: the pride and the prejudice 2002
Scott Harshbarger A new birth of freedom: renewing democracy, restoring public trust 2002
Margaret Mellon Pharmcrops and pharmanimals: the next generation of agricultural biotechnology 2002
Rev. Shelby Spong A New Christianity for a new world 2002
Joseph Stanislaw Energy and the new international dynamic 2002
Zvi Szafran The middle east: historical perpective 2002
Lori A. Alvord Ceremony medicine: ancient wisdom for modern times 2002
Jay Borden An entrepreneur's guide to survival in the new economy 2001
Mai Cramer The importance of blues musician Muddy Waters 2001
Martin Goldsmith Music and love in Nazi Germany: the Judische Kulturbund 2001
Kevin Jennings Faith of my father and mother 2001
Jeff McIntyre Children and violence in the media: politics and practicalities 2001
Andrew Meldrum Zimbabwe's struggles: the quest for democracy and health in southern Africa 2001
Jill Nelson Managing race and gender in troubled times 2001
Marcia Bartusiak Einstein's unfinished symphony 2001
Jimmy (Rev.) Creech Same sex marriage, putting love where it belongs 2000
Doris Haddock On the road for campaign finance reform 2000
Laura Knoy On the air: a New Hampshire radio host talks about life behind the microphone 2000
Frances Moore Lappe Facing our fear of change, changing the face of fear: 30 years since Diet for a Small Planet 2000
William S Pollack Raising real boys: the tragedy of Columbine 2000
Richard Schwartz Marriage in motion, the natural ebb and flow of lasting relationships 2000
Daniel Seligman Teamsters and turtles: Seattle and the future of free trade 2000
Sidney Wanzer Maintaining control in terminal illness 2000
Lester C Thurow Building wealth in the 21st century MIT Professor of Management and Economics 1999
Robert Traer Religion is not a resource for solving social problems Presbyterian minister and lawyer 1999
Manuel Lipson Controversies in health care financing and delivery Senior Director of Revenue and Reimbursement Studies at Mass. General Hospital 1999
Scott Ritter Putting Sadam in perspective: the challenge of formulating an effective policy towards Iraq Former senior arms inspector for the UN in Iraq 1999
Welton Gaddy Faith, politics and civility Executive Director of Interfaith Alliance and Southern Baptist minister 1999
David Treadway Grace happens: reflections on spirituality and intimacy in everyday life Psychologist specializing in family therapy and substance abuse 1999
Diane Margolis Co-housing: ethics and emotions for a new community Former professor of sociology at U. Conn. 1999
Ralph Potter Friends and other relations Professor of social ethics at Harvard 1999
Peter Rhines A Scientific Voyage Through Climate and Time Professor of oceanography at U. Washington 1999
Walter Frontera Exercise and aging: freedom follows function 1998
Frances Hesselbein Making change happen 1998
Lopa Mishra To transplant organs or not: the potential of tissue engineering alternatives 1998
Janet Norwood The American job miracle: fiction or reality? 1998
John O'Connor The promise of a clean energy future 1998
Kris Rondeau Women's ways of organizing 1998
Wafaa' Salman Arab contributions to civilization 1998
Marion Stoddart What citizens can do to help protect the environment 1998
Dorothy Stoneman Youthbuild and its implications for public policy 1998
John David Earnest Musical choices: a composer's life in America 1997
James W Loewen Lies my teacher told me 1997
Miriam MacGillis The search for a transforming vision: new cosmology, new foundation 1997
Tappan Wilder Thornton Wilder, then and now 1997
Roger Wilkins Jack Roosevelt Robinson and the NEXT 50 years 1997
Margaret Burnham South Africa: the long walk toward truth and reconciliation 1997
Lata Chatterjee The Won't and Can't Work debate: myth and reality about persons with disability 1997
Jill Ker Conway Writing our Life Stories Australian-American author of her memoir, The Road from Coorain, and the first female president of Smith College. 1997
Jane Alexander Supporting the arts 1996
Alan Brown The MacDowell Colony and the conservation of the imagination American filmmaker and author known for his contributions to independent cinema and literature. 1996
Bill McKibben Hope, fear, and the history of the next 50 years 1996
Francis D Moore Can American medical care survive invasion by for-profit commerce? 1996
Jill Nelson The price of the ticket: race, gender and power in America 1996
Sharon Daloz Parks Becoming the citizens we need in a complex world 1996
Ron Pollack What's next for health care reform? 1996
Thomas H Andrews A progressive vision: you CAN get there from here 1995
Gordon Back Piano and violin duo (with Erika Klemperer) 1995
Rosellen Brown Before and after: from Our Town to Hollywood 1995
William D Hartung Shooting ourselves in the foot: the consequences of U.S. weapons trading 1995
G Timothy Johnson Media, medicine and health care reform 1995
Joshua Rubenstein Accountability and enforcement: human rights and the search for justice 1995
Paul Tsongas The future of America 1995
Clarice M Yentsch Collapse of the expert/novice paradigm in education 1995
Howard Zinn You can't be neutral on a moving train 1995
Gordon Back Program of Classical Music (with Erika Klemperer) 1994
Elizabeth Barker Education for prisoners: it benefits us all 1994
J Larry Brown Hunger in America: cause, costs, and solutions 1994
Roger Fisher Negotiation: What can you learn in forty minutes? 1994
Robert Legvold Russia after Yeltsin 1994
Glenn C Loury Self-censorship in public discourse 1994
Everett Mendelsohn Grasping the elusive peace in the Middle East 1994
Peter B Rhines Exploring the cold oceans 1994
Ronald L Steel Victory without peace: U.S. foreign policy after the Cold War 1994
Marc Frank Socialist Cuba-Socialist Europe: a comparative analysis Author, journalist 1993
Terry Pindell Making tracks: explorations of North America Author, traveler, observer of life in North America 1993
Deb "Arnie" Arneson New Hampshire: obsessed with the status quo Democratic candidate for governor of NH, 1992 1993
Kees Kooper Kooper and Boehm, musicians (1993) 1993
Janet Green Looking at poverty: the challenge for journalist and educators Former director of education and outreach, Oxfam 1993
Lauren Noether Victims in the criminal justice system First female county attorney in NH 1993
Maria Marolda Everybody counts National consultant on mathematics education 1993
Morton A Madoff Changes in medical education Dean and chair of community health department, Tufts 1993
Mary C. Bateson Composing a life 1992
Mary Belenky Field From silence to voice 1992
Max Essex AIDS 1992
John K. Galbraith Economic prospects in a political year 1992
Vivian Johnson Bringing in those who are left out 1992
Kees Kooper Kooper and Boehm, musicians (1992) 1992
Jack F Matlock The post-Soviet world 1992
Charles E Merrill Picking up the pieces: Poland and Czechoslovakia 1992
Michael Palumbo Is peace possible in the Middle East? 1992
Kees Kooper Kooper and Boehm, Musicians 1991
Howard Zinn Second Thoughts on the First Amendment Author, historian, playwright, retired professor of political science at BU 1991
Vilma R Hunt Who is protecting our environment today? Who will be watching tomorrow? Former professor of environmental health at Penn State 1991
Ken Burns The mystic chords of memory Documentary film maker 1991
George M Lane The United States and the Middle East after the Gulf War Foreign service officer and former ambassador to Yemen 1991
Edward S Herman Who will contain us? Author, columnist, teacher at U. Penn. 1991
Morris T Keeton Employability and productivity of the workplace Director of the Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education at U. Maryland 1991
Milton Terris Medical care: Canada and the U.S. Founder and President of the National Assn. for Public Health Policy 1991
Bruce N. Anderson The environment: the new frontier 1990
William Coffin Sloane Global security: new politics for a new world 1990
Mark G. Field 70 years of Soviet socialized medicine: the dream and the nightmare (with James W. Squires) 1990
Kees Kooper Kees Kooper and Mary Louise Boehm, violin/piano duo 1990
Valerie Miller Nicaragua: the elections and beyond (with Ralph I. Fine) 1990
Thomas R. Pickering The United States and the United Nations 1990
Samir A Rabbo The United States and Israel in the Middle East 1990
Judith Ann Sturnick Re-establishing a sense of community on campus 1990
James S Sutterlin What should we think about German reunification? 1990
Frank E Morris Monetary policy in the 1990's Former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1989
James 0 Freedman The challenge of liberal education President of Dartmouth College 1989
Arthur J Barsky Worried sick: our troubled quest for wellness Director of the Primary Care Psychology Unit, MGH 1989
Madeline Lee Women: where are we today? Former director of the National Women's Agenda Project of the Women's Action Alliance 1989
Everett Mendelsohn Elusive peace: the Middle East Professor of history of science, Harvard. President of Institute for Peace and International Security 1989
Barrett N. Rock Monitoring the Earth's environment from space Associate professor of forest resources, UNH 1989
David S Dodge A Middle East agenda for Mr. Bush Former acting president of American Univ. Beirut and hostage of Iran-backed forces for a year 1989
Ellen Hume Covering the Presidential campaign: a report from the trenches Former Washington correspondent for Wall Street Journal 1989
Charles Clements Nicaragua: another Viet Nam or another Rhodesia? Author, medical doctor, authority on Central America 1988
H. Thomas Ballantine Some ethical issues pertinent to the delivery of health care, A.D. 1988 Clinical Professor Emeritus of Surgery at Harvard Medical School 1988
Daniel Callahan Rationing scarce medical resources: how shall we do it? Director of the Hastings Center, which focuses on ethical issues 1988
Dale Rogers Marshall Women's voices: taking them seriously Acting President of Wellesley College 1988
Grigor McClelland Is democracy possible?: A view from Britain Senior Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford 1988
Ian S. Lustick Jewish fundamentalism in Israel Assoc. professor of government at Dartmouth 1988
John M Swomley Religious liberty and the secular state Author and chairperson of ACLU's Church/State Committee 1988
Leonard Unger United States and Southeast Asia Former ambassador 1987
Vicente Navarro The impact of social, political and military events upon the health situation in Central America Professor of health policy, Johns Hopkins U. 1987
Robert M Goldwyn Reality and fantasy in the practice of medicine Surgeon at Brigham and Women's Hopsital, clinical professor of surgery at Harvard 1987
Shaw J Dallal Palestinian human rights as a key to peace in the Middle East Professor of international business and international relations, Syracuse U. 1987
John K. Galbraith The military power in our time Harvard professor 1987
Nora Astorga Nicaraguan Realities Nicaraguan representative to UN 1987
Donella Meadows How is our planet doing? Author, Dartmouth professor 1987
Robert F Drinan The Constitution and black citizens of America Professor of law at Georgetown U., former congressman, author 1987
Kees Kooper Kooper and Boehm, musicians, seventh season 1987
Rosemarie Rogers U.S. immigration and refugee policy: current issues and policy options Academic Dean, Fletcher School, Tufts 1986
Patrick Jackson The impact of growth on the Monadnock Region Specialist on growth planning 1986
Ernest F Dube The United States Southern Africa policy Lecturer, African Studies Program, SUNY Stony Brook 1986
Sidney Alexander From Boston to Moscow and Oslo Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility 1986
Alice H Cook From equal pay to equal worth Professor Emerita, Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell U. 1986
Charles E Merrill Compromise and integrity--daily life in Communist society Founder and headmaster, The Commonwealth School, Boston 1986
James M Flack The Celts: founders of Europe Explorer and former business executive 1986
Anthony Lewis The press and the public NYT columnist, lecturer in law at Harvard 1986
Paul Tsongas Washington in retrospect 1985
Daniel J Boorstin (untitled) 1985
Arthur W Chickering Bigger is badder (or "worse," if grammar demands it) 1985
Grace Halsell Journey to Jerusalem 1985
Edward L King Central America: what is U.S. policy and is a military solution advisable? 1985
Ian Lawson The antithesis of aging 1985
Ronald L Steel What are our national interests? 1985
John Steele The changing oceans 1985
Morton H Halperin National security as a threat to civil liberties 1984
Charles Kimball The Middle East: where do we go from here? 1984
Guy MacMillan A free press in a small community or--how much do you really want to know? 1984
Marshall D Shulman A rational response to the Soviet challenge 1984
Paul E Starr Corporations and the future of American medicine 1984
Barbara Suhrstedt Piano duets for four hands (with Gerhardt Suhrstedt) 1984
Lester C Thurow A world-class American economy 1984
Elizabeth Ann Toupin Asian Americans: the new invisible-visible minority in America 1984
Theodore L Eliot The U.S., the U.S.S.R., and the Persian Gulf Dean of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts U., and former ambassador to Afghanistan 1983
William Verity Steps toward world peace: the East-West connection Former CEO of ARMCO 1983
William B Schwartz Will cost-consciousness affect the quality of health care? Professor of medicine, Tufts U. 1983
Millard W Arnold South Africa: teetering on the brink Executive Secretary of the US Section of the Nigeria-US Business Council 1983
Rose K Goldsen Can democracy survive the new communications technologies? Professor of sociology, Cornell U. 1983
Elizabeth Kennan The relentless good: some women artists of the 20th century President of Mount Holyoke College 1983
Sissela Bok Secrecy in public life Author and teacher of ethics at Harvard Medical School and Kennedy School of Government 1983
Kees Kooper Kees Kooper and Mary Louise Boehm 1983
Arnold Relman Medical care as commerce: what is happening to our health care system Editor of NEJM, professor of medicine at Harvard 1982
Robert White Is El Salvador another Vietnam? Long-time foreign service officer 1982
Les Brown TV--The Electronic Medium Communicates with You Author, teacher, editor 1982
Michael Petrovich The nationality problem in the USSR Professor of history, U. Wisconsin 1982
Jonathan Brownell The Tragedy of the Commons Professor of environmental and policy studies, Dartmouth 1982
Sally Shelton Continuity and change in Central America and the Caribbean Former ambassador, World Bank consultant, legislative aide, professor at U. of Mexico 1982
Kees Kooper Music for violin and piano 1982
Paul Tsongas (to be announced) US senator, Massachusetts 1982
Roger D Masters Nature, society, and ethics: new perspectives from evolutionary biology Professor of government at Dartmouth 1981
Rosellen Brown Dear Ms. Brown, how shall I live my life: the writer as mother, critic, and clown Author and book reviewer 1981
Thomas B. Adams The Declaration of Independence and the Monroe Doctrine Chief Trustee of the Adams Papers, former president of Mass. Historical Society 1981
E Digby Baltzell Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia Professor of sociology and history, U. Penn. 1981
H Jack Geiger Nuclear war and the illusion of survival Professor of community medicin at CCNY 1981
B. F. Skinner What is behaviorism Professor Emeritus at Harvard 1981
Robert F Drinan The future of human rights Jesuit priest, law professor, member of Congress 1981
Edward DeCourcy The weekly press: is it a mission impossible? 1980
Johanna Dwyer Alternative diets and health 1980
W Bradford Patterson Decision-making for the patient with cancer 1980
Peter Preston Europeans look at the American election 1980
Lester C Thurow U.S. economic problems: solvable or unsolvable? 1980
Edward Weeks Reminiscences 1980
Charles W Yost The Arab-Israeli conflict and the crisis in the Middle East 1980
Leona Baumgartner America's children 1979
John T Foster China revisited 1979
Stephen Jay Gould Growing young: human evolution as a process of increasing youthfulness 1979
Thomas Hoving Stories from my ten years at the Met 1979
Kees Kooper Violin-piano duo 1979
Susan Mclane Political implications of New Hampshire's growth 1979
Robert Swann Community land trust movement 1979
Thomas H Winters Health hazards of nuclear radiation 1979
Eliot Norton Theater '78: Some Thoughts on the Ways in Which the American Theater Has Changed in the Last 40 Years Drama critic for Boston Herald-American and WGBH-TV 1978
Salvatore Luria The Dilemma of Cancer Nobel laureate from MIT 1978
Franklin Long SALT talks and arms limitation Cornell professor 1978
Henry Steele Commager The Agenda for the 80s History professor at Amherst College 1978
David Putnam Panel on New Hampshire's Future moderated by John H. Morison President and other members of the Forum on New Hampshire's Future 1978
Evelyn Kaye What Is Television Teaching Our Children? Member of Action for Children's Television 1978
John Finley Homer's Odyssey Harvard professor 1978
Apple Hill Chamber Players Musical program 1978
Sam Bass Warner Metropolitan New Hampshire Harvard urbanologist and history professor 1977
Richard Pipes Russian dissenters Harvard professor 1977
John K. Galbraith The Image of Modern Capitalism Harvard economics professor emeritus 1977
Marshall J Dodge The Symmetry of Comedy and Tragedy Maine humorist 1977
Thomas Salmon A Way of Life: Northern New England on the Threshold of a Third Century Former governor of Vermont 1977
David Truman The case for the single-sex college President of Mount Holyoke College 1977
Nelson Marshall Marine affairs in the next decade Oceanography professor at URI 1977
John Cole New England's Post-Industrial Future Founder and editor of Maine Times. Directory of National Audubon Society. 1976
Carroll Wilson Tricentennial Perspectives on Energy MIT professor 1976
John L. Blum Two Hundred Years of Equality Professor of History, Yale University. Biographer of Wilson and T. Roosevelt. 1976
John A. Coope Observations of an Itinerant Englishman Diplomat. Attache at British Embassy in DC. 1976
Michael Harrington Domestic Surveillance and Invasion of Privacy Congressman, D-Mass. 1976
Paul Szep Satire and Politics Editorial cartoonist, Boston Globe 1976
Rob Trowbridge State Budget of New Hampshire: What It Does and Does Not Do State senator, R-Dublin. 1976
Monadnock Music Program of American music 1975
Elizabeth Pool The People Crisis Dublin resident 1975
Robert R. Bowne U. S. role in world affairs during the next decade Professor of International Affairs, Harvard; formerly of State Department 1975
Leonard Lewis Triage MacDowell colonist and author 1975
Allan Block Rural American fiddle tunes and ballads 1975
John W. Homes Canada Canadian Institute of International Affairs 1975
John Ciardi Poetry Is for Pleasure Poet and educator 1975
John T. Vance The American Indian Problems and Prospects former chair of the U. S. Indian Claims Commission 1975
Norman Dacey The Middle East: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Member of the Palestine Committee 1974
Robert S Morison Modern Dying: A Study in Technological Ethics Author, Cornell U. professor 1974
Herbert E Bixler Transportation Crisis--Hardy Perennial Transportation consultant 1974
Harlan Logan New Hampshire's political crises: dilemma and opportunity Former majority leader, NH House of Representatives 1974
Wilma Fairbank The New China and the China I Knew Author and scholar of Chinese art, history, and archaeology 1974
David Halberstam A topic of current interest Journalist, author 1974
Julius Lester Contemplation in a World of Action Author, poet, , host and producer of radio and TV shows 1974
Joseph Fletcher The Ethical Implications of the Genetic Revolution Professor Emeritus, Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, MA 1973
James MacGregor Burns What Does America Believe? Professor of political science, Williams College 1973
Norman Dacey The Middle East, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Author 1973
Milton Mayer It Can--Can't--Happen Here University lecturer 1973
John G. Kemeny Liberal Education in the Year 2001 President of Dartmouth College 1973
Elizabeth Gray Vining Whittier Revealed American author, librarian, and educator, renowned for her contributions to children's literature and her role as a tutor to the Japanese Imperial family. 1973
John K. Fairbank American Preparation to Meet the New China Harvard professor 1973
Monadnock Music Musical 1973
Jerome Wiesner Science and the Modern World President, MIT 1972
Paul Dudley White The Soma and the Psyche, or Matter Over Mind Harvard University clinical professor of medicine emeritus 1972
May Sarton The Inward Adventure Poet, author 1972
David F. Putnam Is World Peace Through World Trade Just an Idle Dream? President, Markem Corporation, Keene 1972
Duncan (Rev.) Howlett Secular Religion in a Post-Christian Age Minister, author 1972
Mrs. Robbins Milbank Our Transitional World Researcher, editor, public affairs advisor, Department of State 1972
Cecil Lyon Diplomacy in a Changing World diplomat 1972
Albert H. Farnsworth The United Nations and the New Directions Editor of Vista, a publication of the UN Association 1971
David McCord Poetry, the Unclimbed Ladder Poet and editor 1971
Dolf M. Droge Vietnam and the Vietnamese White House staff member, former chief of Vietnames Broadcast Bureau of Voice of America 1971
Mrs. Bruce Benson Progress, Our Most Important Problem National President, League of Women Voters 1971
Azhety Montague Man, the Endangering Species Anthropologist and social biologist from Princeton, NJ 1971
R. Frank Gregg Material Progress vs. Ecology Chairman of the New England River Basins Commission 1971
Ernest J. Simmons Dissidents of Dissent in Soviet Literature Faculty member at Harvard, Cornell, Columbia (presumably at different times) 1971
J. Duane Squires The Years Before the Revolution, 1763-1776 Retired professor of history, Colby Junior College, New London 1970
J. Seelye Bixler The Colleges Must Carry On President Emeritus, Colby College 1970
Ruth Adams Maps and Map Making President, Wellesley College 1970
Elting E. Morison Human Values in a Technical Society Professor of history and American studies, Yale University 1970
Warren Rudman Citizen Involvement in a World of Politics NH attorney general 1970
John Beecher Poems of Protest and Prophecy Poet, author 1970
J. R. Killian A Working Partnership of Science and the Humanities Retired president, MIT (later in 1970, delivered dedication address for ConVal Sr. High) 1970