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Our 55th season wrapped up with a very informative talk on the efficacy of yoga by Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa on August 25. His talk, along with the other seven from this season, remains available for your viewing or listening pleasure. Just scroll down and click on the “Video” or “Audio” link for the speaker you would like to hear. We hope you will be informed, engaged, and inspired by them.

The initial work to create another fine season for the summer of 2025 takes place during the fall of 2024. If you have suggestions for speakers we should invite or topics we should address, please send them to us now using the contact form on this website

Our Lyceum Committee thanks each of you for your participation and support during the 2024 season, and we look forward to your continuing with us next year. If you are new to the Lyceum, we welcome you. We hope you will appreciate the varied and fascinating topics offered by our speakers for your enlightenment and inspiration. To be kept abreast of news about the Monadnock Lyceum, please provide your email address in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

We’ll see you in 2025.


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2024 Speakers

What Makes a Writer?
Sponsor: RiverMead
“The Vow from Hiroshima”: Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmament
Sponsor: Putnam Foundation
How Beavers Made America and Now Fight Climate Change
Sponsor: Peterborough Renewable Energy Project (PREP)
No Lyceum
Angry White Men: Masculinity on the Extreme Right
Sponsor: Belletetes Inc.
The Deaf Community: Re-paving the Road of Good Intentions
ASL interpretation provided
Sponsor: Microspec Corporation
How My Life Went to the Dogs
Sponsor: Monadnock Humane Society
How Can We Keep from Singing?
Sponsor: Peterborough Folk Music
Yoga for Today: The Science Behind How It Works
Sponsor: Monadnock Community Hospital